What is Big Data in marketing?

What is Big Data in marketing?

Let’s imagine that you run a clothing store. Different people come to your store, and you want to know which of them will buy more often, which products will be more popular, and which will just gather dust on the shelves. Previously, all of this could only be learned through trial and error. But now, thanks to Big Data, you get a lot of information that allows you to understand your customers much better.

For example, you know which visitors come to your site, what they look at, what products they add to their carts, but for some reason do not buy. You can even see how much time they spend on specific pages. It’s like having a friend who keeps a close eye on your preferences and always recommends something interesting to you. Let’s imagine that you run a clothing store. Different people come to your store, and you want to know which of them will buy more often, which products will be more popular, and which will just gather dust on the shelves. Previously, all of this could only be learned through trial and error. But now, thanks to Big Data, you get a lot of information that allows you to understand your customers much better.

For example, you know which visitors come to your site, what they look at, what products they add to their carts, but for some reason do not buy. You can even see how much time they spend on specific pages. It’s like having a friend who keeps a close eye on your preferences and always recommends something interesting.

How do companies use Big Data?

Big Data helps not only to collect data but also to analyze it. It’s like watching your customers walk around a supermarket: you can see which shelves they choose, how long they stand in front of a particular product, and what they end up buying. All this helps you better understand their desires and offer them exactly what they need.

Marketing personalization: Companies create personalized offers as if they were writing a personalized letter to each customer. For example, you receive an email with offers of the exact products you browsed last time or products similar to your previous purchases.

How can Big Data help to understand the customer?

Analysis of user behavior: Thanks to Big Data, you can create “maps” of user behavior. It’s like watching your customers move around the store. Where do they linger, what do they ignore, and what attracts their attention.
Predicting trends: Data analytics helps you predict which products will be popular in the future. It’s like having a crystal ball that helps you predict what your customers will be looking for tomorrow.

Improving customer experience: If you know what your customers are looking for, you can improve your site to make it easier for them to find the right product. For example, if they often leave the site at the payment stage, it may be worth simplifying this process.

Companies can now understand which advertising channels work better. For example, if you spend a lot of money on social media advertising, but it doesn’t bring results, why not redirect these funds to other channels? Big Data helps you understand this.

‍Big data is a tool that, like an experienced detective, helps companies better understand their customers, increase sales, and optimize marketing costs. But, as in any business, the key is to know how to use these tools correctly to not only collect data but also to get the most out of it.